Special Education What Is It When a Student Repeats an Answer That Was Right Again and Again

Want a preview of the question types you'll confront on the GMAT? Try your paw at the GMAT practice questions beneath. Then, check your answers against our in-depth explanations to see how you did.

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Below y'all'll discover sample GMAT questions covering the three question types you'll encounter on the Verbal section: Judgement Correction , Critical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension.

GMAT Sentence Correction Questions

1. In order to better differentiate its product from generic brands, the cereal company first hired a marketing firm that specializes in creating campaigns to build brand sensation and and then retools its factory to produce a variety of different shapes of cereal.

(A) so retools its mill to produce a variety of dissimilar shapes of cereal
(B) retools its factory to produce a variety of different shapes of cereal
(C) then retooled its mill to produce a variety of different shapes of cereal
(D) then will retool its factory to produce a diversity of unlike shapes of cereal
(E) then produces a variety of different shapes of cereal through retooling its manufacturing plant

Answer: (C) The actions of the cereal company are not in parallel form. First the company hired then information technology retools . Eliminate choice (A). Choice (B) nonetheless has the same fault. Choice (D) changes the verb form incorrectly to the future tense. Choice (E) rewrites the sentence but retains the error.

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ii. Believed to be ane of the outset widely read female authors of the Western world, Christine de Pizan's masterwork The Book of the Urban center of the Ladies , was written in 1405 and is a history of the Western world from the adult female's point-of-view.

(A) Believed to be ane of the kickoff widely read female authors of the Western world
(B) Written by i of the offset widely read female authors of the Western world
(C) One of the first widely read female authors of the Western world, as some believe
(D) Written by what some believe as one of the commencement widely read female authors of the Western earth
(Due east) Believed by some as one of the first works by a widely read female writer in the Western world

Answer: (B) Equally written, this sentence has a misplaced modifier error: the volume, The Book of the City of the Ladies isn't believed past anyone to be an author— Christine de Pizan is. Choices (A) and (C) echo that mistake and can be eliminated. Choices (B) and (D) both modify the introductory phrase to clearly refer to a written work, but choice (D) uses the incorrect idiom believe equally instead of the right form, believe to exist . Choice (East) repeats that idiom error.

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GMAT Disquisitional Reasoning Questions

ane. 1 food writer wrote that reducing the amount of creature products in one's diet tin can contribute to better health and well-beingness. Based on this claim, some people are completely eliminating meat from their diets in guild to be healthier.

The argument to a higher place relies on which of the post-obit assumptions?

(A) Increasing the corporeality of vegetables and grains in one's nutrition can contribute to better health.
(B) There will be no corresponding increment in the amount of dairy products in the diets of those who are eliminating meat.
(C) Most food writers believe that some amount of creature products is necessary to a health nutrition.
(D) Not all healthy lifestyles crave a vegetarian nutrition.
(E) Many people who practise non eat animate being products make decisions for health reasons.

Answer: (B) The statement states that some people are eliminating meat from their diets considering reducing the amount of animal products in one's nutrition tin lead to better wellness. Meat is only one type of animal product, however. The argument assumes that past eliminating meat, the people are reducing the full amount of beast products in their diets. Choice (A) addresses increasing the amount of vegetables and grains, but the statement merely deals with brute products. Option (B) correctly addresses the people who are eliminating meat and states that those people are not increasing their consumption of dairy, which is some other instance of using animal products. Thus, these people are actually reducing the corporeality of animal products in their diets. Selection (C) addresses most food writers, who are irrelevant to this argument. Pick (D) addresses wellness lifestyles, which are irrelevant to this particular argument. Choice (E) addresses the reasons behind non eating animal products, which is irrelevant to the argument.

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ii. Studies reveal that a daily exercise regimen helps stroke survivors regain dexterity in their extremities. Being given an exercise routine and having a consultation with a dr. nigh the practice routine accept been shown to be effective mechanisms to become patients to exercise daily.

From the above information, which of the following statements can exist reasonably inferred?

(A) A stroke survivor that is given a detailed exercise program and consults her physician about the program will regain full dexterity in her extremities.
(B) If a stroke survivor is not given an exercise plan and does not consult with a doctor, she will not regain dexterity in her extremities.
(C) Stroke survivors who are given an exercise routine and consult with a doctor about that routine will sometimes regain dexterity in their extremities.
(D) Being given an exercise routine and having a consultation with a physician about the routine is the best fashion to assistance a stroke survivor regain dexterity in their extremities.
(East) But beingness given an exercise routine is necessary to regenerate dexterity in the extremities of seniors who take suffered a stroke.

Respond: (C) This is an inference question, so evaluate the passage and so look for an answer option that tin be reasonably inferred from the data. The passage states that a daily exercise regimen helps stroke survivors regain dexterity in their extremities and that survivors who are given an practise routine and who have a consultation with a doctor nigh the routine have been shown to be effective at getting patients to practise daily . Then it tin be inferred that if a survivor is given a routine and consults with a doctor, they are more likely to exercise daily, which will help them regain dexterity. Choice (A) is an case of farthermost language. The phrasing volition regain full dexterity is non promised in the data in the passage, equally the passage only states that a routine and consultations may help a survivor exercise more. Eliminate (A). Selection (B) is besides an example of extreme language. There is no manner to discern from the information provided that a strong survivor would not regain dexterity without an exercise routine and a consultation, so eliminate (B). Choice (C) is a reasonable inference to make from the information in the passage and so go on (C). Choice (D) also contains the extreme language best style . The information does not compare this method with any other method so eliminate (D). Choice (E) is recycled language and does not address consulting with a dr. so eliminate (Due east). The right respond is (C).

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GMAT Reading Comprehension Questions

Passage 1

Although oft-maligned in modernistic culture, the pigeon once stood non only for speed and reliability only also for grace and dazzler. Darwin himself became a dove fancier subsequently beginning to work with the humble Columbia livia , discovering them to be more fascinating than he had formerly believed. During the Victorian age, in fact, raising show pigeons was a popular hobby, with new breeds continuously arising as amateur (and not-so-amateur) ornithologists crossed animals in the hopes of creating ever more than fantastic creatures. One of the well-nigh sought-after varieties was known as the Almond Tumbler, a name presumably derived from the color of the birds combined with the distinctive flight style. Over the class of many generations, this bird was then manipulated as to have a beak and then small every bit to forbid the adult birds from feeding their offspring. And notwithstanding, it was wildly pop, drawing loftier prices at auctions and high prizes at competitions.

How then did an fauna once and so well-loved come to be so loathed? Equally recently as World War II, the war machine used pigeons to carry letters merely today, many people would kick a pigeon before they would feed i. Possibly information technology is only a problem of population density - a lack of esteem for that which is ubiquitous. Pigeons have go our constant urban companions and, as such, take been transformed from symbols of peace, enough, and prosperity, to representatives of illness and decay.

ane. The primary purpose of this passage is to

(A) convince the reader of the nobility of the pigeon, based on its history as a symbol of virtue
(B) dissuade the reader from mistreating a once-regal animal that has fallen from favor
(C) rebut claims that the pigeon carries affliction any more than frequently than do other domestic animals
(D) promote a renewal of pigeon fancying and a resurgence of breeds such as the Almond Tumbler
(Due east) suggest that in that location might exist more to the story of some urban wildlife than is commonly known

Answer: (E) The passage gives a cursory description of the pigeon'south place in recent human being history and and then goes on to contrast that with mod perspectives of the birds. Choice (A) goes likewise far—the author doesn't give whatsoever indication of believing the dove to be noble. Option (B) focuses too specifically on a side annotate in the 2nd paragraph. Selection (C) also focuses too specifically on a side comments—the passage is non primarily about affliction. Pick (D) is besides stiff—the passage isn't actually promoting whatever specific action. Selection (E) remains neutral and informational, as does the passage.

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2. The instance of the Almond Tumbler is virtually coordinating to which of the following?

(A) a strain of wheat that can be grown in plentiful quantities but loses much of its nutritional value in the process
(B) Arabian horses that are able to run at phenomenal speeds due to centuries of conscientious breeding designed to enhance those physical attributes
(C) vitamins that were purported to provide all of the necessary nutrients but have since been establish not to be very effective
(D) the dachshund, a popular breed of domestic dog that is nonetheless decumbent to severe back problems, due to weaknesses exacerbated by targeted breeding
(E) the wild rock doves that are most unremarkably found nesting in the faces of cliffs far from human habitation

Reply: (D) The Almond Tumbler is described every bit a brood of pigeon that was very pop during the Victorian era. The passage also mentions that the selective breeding used to create that particular kind of bird also led to tiny beaks that kept parent birds from feeding their babies. Therefore, the all-time analogy would be another fauna that is popular even though it has issues due to its design. Choice (A) is wrong because it leaves out the aspect of popularity. Selection (B) is only positive and you demand something that's also negative. Selection (C) is not virtually something that has been bred for a specific purpose, nor does it deal with popularity. Choice (D) correctly refers to a popular animal with a common wellness problem. Selection (E) does not refer to pigeons that have been bred by humans.

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3. The passage suggests that

(A) pigeons were in one case known for flying with celerity
(B) the Almond Tumbler was the most cute brood of pigeon
(C) Darwin was infatuated with his fancy pigeons
(D) mod pigeons are dirtier than the fancy pigeons of yore
(E) only scientists should brood new kinds of animals

Answer: (A) For a question this open up-concluded, it'southward usually best to check each of the answers confronting the passage. Choice (A) appears to lucifer the opening line of the passage, which states that the pigeon once stood not but for speed and reliability. Choice (B) goes also far—although many Victorians seems to have loved the Tumbler, there's no show that it was definitively the most beautiful. Choice (C) also goes likewise far—the passage mentions that Darwin was fascinated by his pigeons, not that he was infatuated. Pick (D) draws an incorrect assumption—the passage comments that the common opinion has inverse, not the pigeon itself. Option (E) is not supported past the passage, which states that amateurs, as well as trained individuals, bred pigeons.

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Below you'll find GMAT sample questions roofing the two question types you'll encounter on the Quantitative department: Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency.

Problem Solving Questions

1. A sure company sells tea in loose leaf and bagged form, and in five flavors: Darjeeling, earl gray, chamomile, peppermint, and orangish pekoe. The company packages the tea in boxes that contain either 8 ounces of tea of the aforementioned flavor and the same form, or 8 ounces of tea of iv different flavors and the aforementioned course. If the club in which the flavors are packed does not matter, how many different types of packages are possible?

(A) 12
(B) xv
(C) 20
(D) 25
(E) 30

Answer: (C) Begin by figuring out how many different ways yous can bundle the tea in boxes that contains eight ounces of tea, all of the same flavour. In that location are v flavors, each flavor can come up in either loose leafage or bagged form, then 5 flavors x ii forms = 10 dissimilar means to package the tea in boxes that contain only ane flavor each. Now find the number of different means to bundle 4 different flavors of the aforementioned grade per box. In this case, yous must choose iv of 5 possible flavors, and club does not matter, so the formula is 5 ten 4 x 3 x 2 iv 10 iii x two x i = 5 different ways to combine the 4 flavors. Each combination tin can come in either loose leafage for bagged course, so you have 2 different forms x 5 dissimilar combinations = 10 total possible ways to combine the four flavors in either bagged or loose-leaf course. Thus, the total number of combinations is ten + 10 = 20 total combinations. The respond is option (C).

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ii. Karen sold her house at a loss of 25 percentage of the toll that she originally paid for the house, and and then bought some other business firm at a price of 30 percent less than the toll she originally paid for her beginning house. If she sold the first house for $225,000, what was her internet gain, in dollars, for the ii transactions?

(A) $15,000
(B) $25,000
(C) $60,000
(D) $75,000
(E) $90,000

Respond: (A) If Karen sold her first business firm for $225,000 and at a loss of 25 percent, then 25 percent of the original price equals $225,000. 75 100 x = 225,000, and then x, or the price she originally paid, equals $300,000. Thus, Karen lost $75,000 on the auction of her outset house. If she bought a second business firm for a price of 30 percent less than $300,000, and then the second business firm cost $210,000, and then she gained $90,0000. $90,000 - $75,000 = $15,000, so the reply is choice (A).

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Sample Data Sufficiency Questions

i. In a certain visitor, at least 200 people own manual transmission vehicles. If 12 percent of the people who own manual transmission vehicles besides own automatic manual vehicles, do more people own automatic transmission vehicles than ain manual manual vehicles?

(ane) five percent of the people who own an automatic transmissions vehicle also ain a transmission transmission vehicle.

(2) fifteen people own both an automatic transmission vehicle and a transmission transmission vehicle.

(A) Statement (1) Lonely is sufficient, but argument (ii) alone is not sufficient.
(B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but argument (one) alone is non sufficient.
(C) BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, just NEITHER statement Solitary is sufficient.
(D) EACH Argument Solitary is sufficient.
(E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are Not sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data are needed.

Answer: (A) Co-ordinate to statement (1), v percent of the people who ain an automatic transmission vehicle also ain a transmission transmission vehicle. The question also indicates that 12 percent of the people who own a transmission transmission vehicle likewise own an automated transmission vehicle. Both figures relate to the total number who own both, so that ways that v percent of the automated manual owners = 12 percent of the transmission manual owners. The overlap in ownership makes up a smaller percent of those who own automated transmission vehicles, so there must be more people who own automated manual vehicles. Statement (i) is sufficient, and then yous can eliminate choices (B), (C), and (E). Statement (2) indicates that 15 people own both an automated manual vehicle and a transmission transmission vehicle, and then y'all know that 12 percent of the people who own a transmission manual is equal to 15 people. 12 100 = 15, then 10 = 125. Thus, at that place are 125 people who own a manual transmission vehicle. Even so, you have no further data to allow y'all to calculate the number of people who own automatic transmission vehicles, so statement (two) is bereft. The answer is choice (A).

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2. What is the value of x two ?

(1) x is 1 v less than 9 ten

(2) ten is between two five and 4 five

(A) Statement (1) Solitary is sufficient, just statement (2) alone is not sufficient.
(B) Argument (2) ALONE is sufficient, but argument (ane) alone is non sufficient.
(C) BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, just NEITHER argument Solitary is sufficient.
(D) EACH Statement ALONE is sufficient.
(E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to respond the question asked, and additional data are needed.

Answer: (A) Statement (1) allows you to discover the value of x, so you tin reply the question. (If x is 1 5 less than 9 x , so nine x - i five = ten. 1 five = two 10 , and then x equals 9 10 - 2 x = vii 10 . If 10 equals vii 10 , then x 2 = 7 10 divided by 2, or 7 twenty .) Statement (ane) is sufficient, and then eliminate choices (B), (C), and (E). According to statement (two), x is betwixt 2 5 and 4 v . That means that one possible value for ten is 3 5 , simply another possible value is 7 10 . Argument (2) is insufficient, so the reply is choice (A).

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Below you'll find examples of how you'll be asked to apply a chart, graph, or table to reply questions on the Integrated Reasoning section.

Sample Integrated Reasoning Questions

Detail 1: Andre is ownership gifts for his office staff. He wants to spend exactly $280 and he tin purchase either sweatshirts, which cost $22, or baseball caps, which cost $26.

In the tabular array beneath, cull the number of sweatshirts and the number of baseball caps that Andre should buy.

Sweatshirts Baseball game Caps Number to Purchase
  • (A) __
  • (B) __
  • (C) __
  • (D) __
  • (Eastward) __
  • (F) __
  • (A) __
  • (B) __
  • (C) __
  • (D) __
  • (Due east) __
  • (F) __
  • 4
  • five
  • vi
  • seven
  • viii
  • 9

Answer: Sweatshirts, 8; Baseball caps 4 To solve this question, systematically examination out the answer choices. The equation you need to solve is 22s + 26h = 280, in which both s and h are integers and s represents the number of sweatshirts and h represents the number of baseball caps. So, kickoff with plugging in iv for sweatshirts and meet if the number of baseball caps is an integer.

22(4) +26h = 280
h = 7.38

Since the number of baseball caps is non an integer, Andre could not have bought iv sweatshirts. Keep trying more than sweatshirts one by one until y'all detect an reply that volition y'all an integer value for baseball caps. 8 sweatshirts volition give y'all 4 baseball caps.

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Item ii:
GMAT sample question
The bar chart above displays the population of the United States according to official census figures every fifty years over a 150-year menstruation.

Question 2-1 The ratio of the U.Southward. population in 2000 to the U.S. population in 1900 is closest to __.

(A) 1 to 4
(B) ii to seven
(C) 2 to ane
(D) 3 to 1
(E) 11 to 3

Answer: (E, 11 to iii)

Co-ordinate to the graph, the U.S. population in 2000 was a little bit more than 275 million, and the U.Due south. population in 1900 was a little over 75 million. Since the question asks what the ratio is "closest to," these numbers are proficient plenty to guess. 275 to 75 tin can be reduced by 5 to go 55 to xv, which can exist reduced by 5 again to get 11 to 3. Alternatively, you lot could reduce 275 to 75 by 25 to go this same ratio.

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Question 2-2 The U.South. population in 1950 was approximately __ of the U.S. population in 1850.

(A) 800%
(B) 600%
(C) 200%
(D) 85%
(East) 15%

Respond: (B, 600%)

The question asks what percent the U.Southward. population in 1950 is of the U.Southward. population in 1850. To go this you need to calculate population 1950 population 1850 x 100. Since the U.S. population in 1950 is higher, you want something that is greater than 100%. Eliminate 85% and 15%. Since the judgement says "estimate" and besides since the remaining answer choices are not close to each other, you lot can judge the values. According to the chart, the population in 1950 was about 150 1000000 and the population in 1850 was virtually 25 million. Therefore, you need to calculate 150 25 x 100 = half-dozen x 100 = 600%.

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Question 2-3 The U.South. population increased by approximately __ from 1900 to 1950.

(A) 25%
(B) 33%
(C) fifty%
(D) 100%
(Due east) 200%

Answer: (D, 100%)

To get pct increase, yous need to utilise the formula difference original ten 100. The population in 1900 was about 75 million, and the population in 1950 was about 150 million. The difference between the two figures is 75 million. Therefore, the per centum increase is 75 75 x 100 = 100%.

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Below you'll observe a sample Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) question. On the GMAT you'll accept 30 minutes to write a critique of the argument.

Analysis of an Argument


The following appeared equally part of a medical ad in a magazine.

A new medical examination that allows the early detection of a particular disease will forestall the deaths of people all over the world who would otherwise die from the illness. The test has been extremely effective in allowing doctors to diagnose the disease half dozen months to a twelvemonth before it would have been spotted by conventional means.

Discuss how logically convincing you find this statement. In explaining your signal of view, be sure to evaluate the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, information technology may be necessary to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what other explanations or counterexamples might weaken the arguments conclusion. Yous can as well hash out what kind of show would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make information technology more logically persuasive, and what, if anything, would enable y'all to better evaluate its determination.


Source: https://www.princetonreview.com/business-school-advice/gmat-sample-questions

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